A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace.

Emerson wrote “A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace.” To me, this means that we are happiest when we put fourth our full effort; when we don’t give our all, it eats away at our conscience. Our inner thoughts haunt us with our morals our standards for life. This is why we have work goals and ethics and strive for success. It is important to always aim to be the best you that you can be, otherwise you will never truly be happy.


Emerson was one of the most well known transcendental writers. He believed that humans got their inspiration from God directly, and not from one of their other senses.[http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h3862.html] I believe that since Emerson felt that God inspired him, that his quote was how God wants humans to portray work. God wants us to put fourth our best efforts in everything, whether it be working or praising Him. This should make feel better our best. However, Emerson believed that God was also saying, those who don’t try their hardest, are not at peace with themselves morally. Emerson believed in the natural goodness of man. He believed that there was no need for salvation, but more just a need for awakening. [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~atinkham/Emerson.html] I think this quote shows that Emerson feels that if the man does not feel happy and gay, that he is not doomed but rather just needs an “awakening”. The video below gives further knowledge of what transcendentalism really is and how Emerson viewed it could effects people’s lives.


I believe that this quote can be applied into today’s society, because we should still strive to do our best in every aspect of life. However, I do not think it applies to everyone in the world. There are many people, for example, that are on government assistance (that do not really need it), and are “at peace” with their lives. These people are obviously not going do anything to change, to try to do their best. For my own life, however, I try to do my by best at very obstacle that may come my way. I feel that this is the only proper way to live life to the fullest,and guarantee that I receive every opportunity I can.


Was Hawthorne critizied or praised for his writings during his era?

Hawthorne had always had a passion for writing. He often observed people for inspiration for his writings. However, his fame was not quick to come. Hawthorne is one of the most well known writers in American history, but it was not a simple taste for him to accomplish. [http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ma01/lisle/dial/hawthorne.html]



Hawthorne often recorded scenes in vivid detail and wrote down ideas for tales. He got a lot of his inspiration from watching people and how they reacted to certain situations. Hawthorne spent almost a decade writing and submitting stories, and at first only received rejection. [http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ma01/lisle/dial/hawthorne.html] In fact, most of his first stories were published anonymously. He was, in his own words, “for a good many years, the obscurest man of letters in America.” [http://www.answers.com/topic/nathaniel-hawthorne]

Hawthorne’s stories came slowly but surely into the critics favor. Nowadays, they are even viewed as classics. His stories are viewed as well-composed, graceful, lucid, with a variety of complex interpretations. [http://www.answers.com/topic/nathaniel-hawthorne]In this next video, you can view a few examples of the different themes Hawthorne used, and how they could be interpreted differently.



The video above gives an example of why many people could have taken his stories badly, or could have praised him for his writings. Hawthorne’s first immediate success was The Scarlet Letter. However, he did have a few disappointments to follow (The Marble Faun and The Blithedale Romance). [http://www.gradesaver.com/author/hawthorne/] It just goes to prove that it’s hard to stay on top. However, Hawthorne did not let this effect his writings. He continued to do what he loved, and is now very well known.



Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Slave of Her Own Convictions?

Harriet Beecher Stowe is know as one of the most influenced writers in history. She is most famous for having written Uncle Tom’s Cabin; a story which told about the harsh realities of slavery. While Stowe wrote this book as a proclamation of the horrors going on in America, she, herself was brutally criticized for her works. However, she stood strong in what she believed, and is now known for one of the most populated historical masterpieces.


In 1862 Abraham Lincoln was to have said to Stowe, “So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that started this Great War.” There is no proof whether this actually happened or not however; the connection between her book and the Civi War became apparent in the public’s mind. Stowe’s book was said to have highly contributed to the start of the war, for it made the political and economical arguments about slavery grow abundantly.[http://www.harrietbeecherstowecenter.org/utc/impact.shtml]

Stowe received praise for her book as an achievement, but was also insulted, saying it was an inaccurate attack. Stowe was quoted saying, “I would write something that would make this whole nation feel what an accursed thing slavery is.” [http://www.harrietbeecherstowecenter.org/utc/] Stowe did just that. Stowe spoke from her heart how she viewed slavery, and did not care how she was judged for it. This next video gives examples of quotes Stowe said in relation to her writings, and why she wrote them.


Thanks to Stowe, people across the north became accurately aware about slavery. Stowe told of slavery from a more personal level than anyone had ever done before.[http://www.ushistory.org/us/28d.asp] While she was judged and critiqued for her works, she never let it get the best of her. Stowe truly believed she was doing the works of God, and that as a mother it was her duties to express how she felt. I believe that this is a great quality that not many people of her time portrayed. Stowe was truly an inspiration.
